Book Review: Moon Called

Title: Moon Called (Mercy Thompson #1)

Author: Patricia Briggs

Genre: Urban fantasy

Publisher: Ace
Publication date: January, 2006
My version: Kindle ebook, (print length: 317 pages)

Book description (back cover):
'I didn't realize he was a werewolf at first. My nose isn't at its best when surrounded by axle grease and burnt oil...'

Mercedes Thompson runs a garage in the Tri-Cities. She's a mechanic, and a damn good one, who spends her spare time karate training and tinkering with a VW bus that happens to belong to a vampire. Her next-door neighbour is an alpha werewolf - literally, the leader of the pack. And Mercy herself is a shapeshifter, sister to coyotes. As such, she's tolerated by the 'wolves but definitely down the pecking order. As long as she keeps her eyes down and remembers her place, the pack will leave her in peace.

I have read this book before and now I read it again, because it was coming up as group read in one of my GoodReads groups: Paranormal Addicts & Newbies - Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy (yes, I know it's a book for April, I was a little bit ahead of schedule...). I had forgotten a lot, but in the end my opinion of the book was pretty much the same. Maybe a bit improved, but I remembered the things that bothered me.

I this this is pretty much a run-of-the-mill urban fantasy book. It has a female main character who is special someway and then some action and romance. I think this was altogether an entertaining read, I wanted to keep on reading (not as much as in I couldn't put it down) and I think the plot was interesting and well executed, which are the things that improved my opinion.

Then again, there were some problems, which is why I'm not going to keep on reading the series. One of them was that besides Mercy, there are really no other female characters in the book. Well, there's Adam's daughter Jesse, but we don't really see her a lot. And there are some minor characters that sort of flash in the story, but we really learn nothing about them. Except that most of these other women (like all the werewolves) don't like Mercy. And this is my other sore point. That she's the special one, who gets along with guys so well, but when it comes to women, no one really likes her, because she's the cool exception. And of course, the thing that I hate most about books that feature any kind of romantic plot: love triangle. I think it's done to the death already. Or I don't mind if it's there sometimes, but really does every book have to have it?

So, I thought it was an enjoyable read, but nothing special. If you like urban fantasy in general, then this might be your thing. Especially, if the above mentioned problems don't bother you. Then again, you might've read it already, since it did come out in 2006. I did read it all the way through this second time, so it wasn't so bad, but as I said, I have no interest in reading the series further.

Cheese slices:

P.S. One thing I forgot to mention in the last post: I ripped the review template from The Book Smugglers. Go check them out!

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